Manawa Lodge 82 School of Instruction / Prime Rib Dinner

April 8th, 2013 – Prime Rib Dinner/School of Instruction

Manawa Lodge 82# / Manawa Masonic Center

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Dinner at 6:00pm — Prime Rib served with green beans & roasted potatoes

Dinner is free will offering ($10.00 suggestion)
Entered Apprentices  and Fellow Crafts are welcome for dinner.
Please RSVP so they know how much to prepare!
Lodge email: manawalodge
Chris’s cell phone: 920-572-0937

School of Instruction 7:00pm — 
Fellow Brothers & Traveling Masons you are cordially invited. 

District Lecturer PGM Roger Magoon will be hosting the Joint School of Instruction. This is a great opportunity to learn more about our Ritual. Also, there will be a lodge of traveling brothers planning to get the gavel.

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