Wausau Trestleboard
September 2018
Download a .pdf Version of the TrestleBoard here.
Greetings again from the East, Brethren. I’m writing this message on a wet and stormy Monday morning, the day AFTER a fantastic day at the Forest Lodge #130 car show in Mosinee yesterday. It’s safe to say the lodge was nervous going into the day with the threat of rain all around us and coming off poor weather from the previous year. Cars and motorcycles began rolling into the park by 7:00 and continued throughout the day. I believe our final count was over 140 vehicles and many happy participants. We saw a WIDE range of vehicles: classic muscle cars, late model sports cars, truck of all makes and models, 1920s-2000 era sedans and coupes, a model T, military trucks, motor cycles, 1971 VW beetle, vintage Shriner coupe driven by Mr. Frankie Barlow, and even a late model Star motor cycle entered by our own Ryan Wojicechowski (didn’t win, but I’ll give him honorable mention).
While those that entered vehicles and those simply attending to see them genuinely enjoyed the day, it was also nice to see many of our Masonic brothers come together for a single event to raise funds for charities which includes the Honor Flight, and the Food Pantry. We sold countless hamburgers, brats, hot dogs, and pulled pork. Brother Secretary Barry Diehl is frantically tallying the financials from the day. At this risk of forgetting someone, please allow me to thank ALL those who assisted in helping to successfully host this year’s show. A special “Thank You” to our Senior Deacon Kevin Sorenson and his significant other Brenda Kaiser for their tireless efforts to keep this car show progressing. Well done, my brother and sister!
By the time you all read this, we will be well into September and continuing our march to the October 1st pending sale of our building. Our stated meeting on the 5th will be important as we continue to prep the lodge building for our move. I suspect there may be a few days in September when we give the grand hailing sign of distress and request brethren to fly to the aid of the lodge as we need to move things quickly. Please be on the watch and assist where you are able. September 19th I will be turning the gavel over to Brother Barry Diehl as I will be out of the area for the Australian exemplification evening. Several grand lodge officers will be in attendance as well as the Grand Master. Let’s be prepared to discuss the receiving of Grand Lodge officers on the first stated. Enjoy the end of Summer my Brothers. Just around the corner is my favorite time of the year. FALL!!! 😊
WM Brother Jesse Furrer
“There are no strangers in Freemasonry, only friends you have yet to meet.”
Bro. Dave Thomas (Founder of Wendy’s Restaurant)
Note the electronic Trestleboard is published monthly. Changes in dates and or times are reflected on our Calendar Page, which is updated as needed.
Forest Lodge No. 130, F & A.M.
September 5th — 7:00 PM Stated Communication / South at 6:30 PM
September 12th – Rehearsal for Past Master Night & Exemplification.
15th – 7:00 PM Stated Communication/ EA / South at 6:30 PM
September 15th — Lodge Picnic
September 19th —Past Master’s Night and presentation of Opening & Closing in an Australian Lodge
Wisconsin Valley Shrine Club
Wisconsin Valley Shrine Club meets every Friday for a noon luncheon at the Wausau Elks Club.
Wausau York Rite
September 13th — 7:00 PM. Stated Commandery.
September 18th — 7:00 PM. Stated Meeting, Chapter and Council.
Scottish Rite Club
Meets for breakfast at 7:00 AM 1st, 3rd and 5th Wednesdays at Perkins.