Wausau Trestleboard
March 2023
Download a .pdf Version of the TrestleBoard here.
Brothers, I greet you from the East!
Time “marches” on and we find ourselves in the month of March. We are now knee
deep into the year. The days are getting longer, the temperatures are starting to
increase, and before we know it, we will be able to see green grass again! May the
warmth of the Spring be emblematic of the warmth that the Fraternity brings to each
of us.
Since I last greeted you, we have had five Brothers raised to the sublime degree of
Master Mason. Congratulations to John Altenburgh, Kelly Coyle, Jon Eberhardt,
James Weeks and Jeff White! These brothers were candidates at a Masonic Day of Light event held at the Eau Claire Masonic Center on February 4th. Again – Congratulations are in order for all of you! I’m excited to see where your Masonic path leads you.
I am also pleased to say that Forest #130 was also well represented that day by being the Lodge called upon to confer the Master Mason degree during the Day of Light. I thought that the hard work that all of you put into your parts and other lodges got to see what degree work in our Lodge is all about. Excellent work everyone!
During the past month, we had a demonstration of opening and closing a Lodge in the Master Mason degree as practiced in the state of Michigan. I hope you all enjoyed taking part, and seeing what Masonic ritual is like outside of, not only our Lodge, but our state. In sharing that with you, it reminded me that, while there may be some things that are different, we all meet on the level, act by the plumb, and part upon the square. May
we carry that forward outside of lodge as we make our way through the world.
See you at Lodge!
Sincerely and Fraternally,
Lars Framness
Worshipful Master, Forest Lodge #130
The electronic Trestleboard is published monthly. Changes in dates and or times are reflected on our Calendar Page, which is updated as needed.
Forest Lodge No. 130, F & A.M.
March 8th – Stated Meeting at 7PM
March 9th – EA Degree at 7PM
March 22nd – Stated Meeting (Perseverance Lodge Appreciation) at 7PM
April 12th – Stated Meeting at 7PM
April 26th – Stated Meeting at 7PM
Eau Claire Scottish Rite
March 31th – Steppin’ Up for Dyslexia Event at Eau Claire Masonic Center
April 1st – Scottish Rite Spring Reunion at Eau Claire Masonic Center
April 15th – Scottish Rite Spring Reunion at Eau Claire Masonic Center
Wausau York Rite
March 3rd – Wausau Council #22 Meeting at 6:30 PM
March 3rd – St Omer Commandery #19 meeting at 8:00 PM
April 6th – Wausau Council #22 Meeting at 6:30 PM
April 6th – St Omer Commandery #19 meeting at 8:00 PM
Scottish Rite Club
Log Cabin Restaurant at 7:00 A.M. on the first, third, and fifth Wednesdays each month.