Wausau Trestleboard
November 2018
Download a .pdf Version of the TrestleBoard here.
A hearty November greeting to you all my brothers. Fall has been busy for our lodge in a number of ways. Seasonal change is in the air and our lodge follows suit with continued progression to a new lodge building and new members joining our fraternity. This past evening’s stated meeting included balloting on a new petitioner, a vote to accept a new lodge member transferring from another area lodge, and a well-performed Fellowcraft degree for Brother Luke Stephen Meyer. An entered apprentice degree will be conducted October 24th for our new petitioner.
As typical, we are busy my brothers. None of it could be accomplished without the support of ALL brothers that are actively involved in lodge functions at all levels. A sincere “Thank You” to all. Change is not always pleasant. October also brought some difficult news for us to deal with. Brother Stephen Britton lost his lady Emily Flood to a tragic brain injury. Emily was a frequent visitor to our lodge and graced us with her infectious smile and warm personality on many occasions. She will be missed.
Elections for our 2019 Masonic Year will be held during the November 7th stated meeting. I will be stepping aside after an enjoyable and busy term as Master for this past year. Open floor nominations will be accepted for Master, Junior Warden, Senior Warden, Secretary and Treasurer. Private balloting will secure final elections. I look forward to our new cast of elected officers and appointed positions.
We have a host of Masons that have yet to venture into the role of holding a formal position in lodge and I encourage all of them to consider filling a chair. It is truly a rewarding experience. An enjoyable November to all of you, my brothers.
WM Brother Jesse Furrer
“Nobody owes anybody a living, but everybody is entitled to a chance.” Bro. Jack Dempsey
Note the electronic Trestleboard is published monthly. Changes in dates and or times are reflected on our Calendar Page, which is updated as needed.
Forest Lodge No. 130, F & A.M.
November 7th — 7:00 PM Stated Communication / South at 6:30 PM
November 14th — 7:00 PM Master Mason Degree
November 21st – 7:00 PM Stated Communication/ Fellow Craft Degree / South at 6:30 PM
Wisconsin Valley Shrine Club
Wisconsin Valley Shrine Club meets every Friday for a noon luncheon at the Wausau Elks Club.
Wausau York Rite
November 8th — 7:00 PM. Stated Commandery.
November 20th — 7:00 PM. Stated Meeting, Chapter and Council.
Scottish Rite Club
Meets for breakfast at 7:00 AM 1st, 3rd and 5th Wednesdays at Perkins.
Wisconsin Valley Auxiliary
On Friday, November 9, 2018, the Wisconsin Auxiliary will meet for a luncheon and meeting at The Palms. Lunch will start at 11:30 a.m. with the meeting beginning approximately at 12:30 p.m. The meeting will concentrate on the nomination and possible election of any new officers to serve for the 2019 year.