Summer 2013 Trestleboard

Wausau Trestleboard
Summer 2013

Download a .pdf Version of the TrestleBoard here.

When we return from our summer darkness on September 4th, 2013, we will be voting on the purposed new bylaws of Forest Lodge #130. If you would like a copy of these new bylaws for review, please contact me or the Lodge office.

Please join Forest Lodge at 6:30pm on June 26th for a Special Communication, the raising of one of our Brothers to the Sublime Degree of Master Mason.

Unless there is degree work, or the need to complete urgent business, the Lodge will be dark until September.

Enjoy your summer.


Note the electronic Trestleboard is published monthly. Changes in dates and or times are reflected on our Calendar Page, which is updated as needed.

Forest Lodge No. 130, F & A.M.
June  26th  6:30 PM. Master Mason Degree: Andrew Szmanda

Mosinee Lodge No. 318, F & A.M.
Aug 25th   Mosinee Third Annual Car Show – Carshow is located in the beautiful River Park, Mosinee. Food and drink stands will be provided, Raffle tickets will be sold to help us support the Honor Flight & local food pantry. See also Facebook page, Mosinee Masonic Lodge Car and Truck Show.

Virginia Falls Lodge No. 226, F & A.M.

Wisconsin Valley Shrine Club
Wisconsin Valley Shrine Club meets every Friday for a noon luncheon at the Wausau Elks Club.

Wausau York Rite
The York Rite Grand Session will be held in Green Bay June 19, 20, and 21.

Scottish Rite Club
Meets for breakfast at 7:00 AM 1st, 3rd and 5th Wednesdays at Perkins.

Wisconsin Valley Shrine Auxiliary
Wisconsin Valley Shriners Auxiliary will hold no regular meetings during June, July and August, but the following fundraising events will be held. The support of all Masons, their ladies, and families will be appreciated.

Perkins Wednesday, June 19, 4:00 to 8:00 PM
Buffalo Wild Wings, July 17, All Day. Need a Ticket? Call 715-842-8463.
Noodles & Company, August 14, 4:00 to 9:00 PM

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