February 2021 Trestleboard

Wausau Trestleboard
February 2021

Download a .pdf Version of the TrestleBoard here.

Greetings brothers, another month has flown by and the rest of the year has no plans on slowing down. My first month as master was very eventful; we had our first social event at Dale’s Weston Lanes. Our next social event will be held at the lodge as a movie night, bring friends and family, it will be a good time. As I stated in January I will be focusing each month of my year in the east to the twelve points of the scout law. The second point is loyal. Loyalty in Freemasonry means to me that even though I may have failed or let a brother down, when I need brotherly love, they extend their hand and ask “how can I help.” Loyalty in freemasonry is one of the many distinguishing characteristics of a good man, a man who is willing to help without asking for a reward in return.

Ryan Wojicechowski, WM
Forest Lodge #130

Note the electronic Trestleboard is published monthly. Changes in dates and or times are reflected on our Calendar Page, which is updated as needed.

Forest Lodge No. 130, F & A.M.
February 10th — 7:00PM — Stated Communication
February 21st — 3:30PM — Lodge Calendar – Social Movie Night
February 24th — 7:00PM — Stated Communication & Conferral to FC

The location of Forest Lodge is: 3815 Fleet Drive, Wausau, Wisconsin 54401

Wausau York Rite
February 9th — St Omer Commandry Tiling at 7.00 P.M.
February 18th — York Rite Tiling at 7.00 P.M.

Scottish Rite Club
Log Cabin Restaurant at 7:00 A.M. on the first, third, and fifth Wednesdays each month.

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