March 2021 Trestleboard

Wausau Trestleboard
March 2021

Download a .pdf Version of the TrestleBoard here.

March is upon is, and that means warmer weather and since we live in Wisconsin Mother Nature will throw one more foot of snow our way before we are allowed to have nice weather. For me March means my wife and I patiently wait for our son to be born, we are both excited and prepared as much as possible for him to arrive. Many friends and family have been very helpful during the pregnancy offering advice and plenty of free hand me downs witch is always welcome. That brings me to the third point of the Boy Scout law is “helpful”. When I think of being helpful in freemasonry it is hard to pin point one example to talk about because I have experienced and heard of so many examples I could go on forever. Helping people and helping each other is what we do, it is who we are. When I asked for help when me and my wife moved to our current house I had over a dozen Masonic brothers or family of masons show up in moving day and we had everything moved in hours. A wise man once told me “never look down on a man unless you are extending a hand to pull him up” in Boy Scouts we are told to “do a good turn daily”. That is one of the infinite reasons I love Freemasonry, when you ask for help your brothers are the first ones to volunteer and the last ones to call it quits. I hope everyone has a great March. Our next social lodge event is on the third Sunday in March on the 21st at 3:30 pm we will be going to Blades and Boards in Rib Mountain for an axe throwing get together. I have a sign up sheet at the lodge if you are interested feel free to sign up next time you are at lodge, or feel free to contact me and I can sign you up.

Ryan Wojicechowski, WM
Forest Lodge #130

Note the electronic Trestleboard is published monthly. Changes in dates and or times are reflected on our Calendar Page, which is updated as needed.

Forest Lodge No. 130, F & A.M.
March 10th — 7:00PM — Stated Communication
March 21st — 3:30PM — Axe Throwing at Blades and Boards.
March 24th — 7:00PM — Stated Communication & Conferral to FC

The location of Forest Lodge is: 3815 Fleet Drive, Wausau, Wisconsin 54401

Wausau York Rite
March 9th — St Omer Commandry Tiling at 7.00 P.M.
March 18th — York Rite Tiling at 7.00 P.M.

Scottish Rite Club
Log Cabin Restaurant at 7:00 A.M. on the first, third, and fifth Wednesdays each month.

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