Wausau Trestleboard
August 2022
Download a .pdf Version of the TrestleBoard here.
Greetings from the East!
As the summer starts to wrap up, I hope everyone had a chance to get some rest and
time to relax. We are coming into the second half of the year and there are plenty of
things to be excited about. We have an outdoor Master Mason degree coming up soon
on August 27, so mark your calendar and plan to attend a special event such as this. This
event is open to all Master Masons. More information is found in this issue of the
At some point in your Masonic journey, some of you may have thought “I am a Master
Mason, now what?” I have reflected on why I became a Mason. I had no family members that were Masons. I had no friends that were Masons, “or so I thought”! My interest was sparked by a couple of my friends talking about their experiences as Masons, and during those discussions I decided this may be something for me, so I joined the Fraternity. Early on in my journey, I watched my Brothers, and tried to learn from them. What I found was that no two Brothers were alike. Some were rough ashlars, and some were perfect ashlars. Yes, each of us were different!
As I grew in Masonry an important lesson emerged for me. Time is the limiting factor
in this life; the more time I spend working on myself as a Mason, the more time I have to refine my own ashlar.
I only get a finite number of strikes on the stone, so I needed to spend my time wisely, smoothing out my own ashlar, and work to fit it for the purposes of good. I am a Mason because I am responsible for that ashlar. Because when the time comes for me to surrender it, and my time in the quarry is over, my Masonic work will truly represent an important part of what I have done in my life.
It is a privilege for every Mason to be able to reflect upon their degrees, their journey in Masonry. It is a gift that non-Masons could never understand. I challenge each of you to attend all degrees that will be scheduled for the remainder of this year. By attending you will not only have an opportunity to refresh your understanding of each degree, but you will also discover deeper meanings of them.
Congratulations to Brother Keith Mathews on joining the ranks of Forest Lodge #130, when he was initiated an Entered Apprentice on July 13, 2022. On this momentous evening, Forest Lodge conferred its 8th Entered Apprentice degree for 2022. Watch your email for more degrees that may be conferred in August!
NOTE: At our stated meeting on June 22, 2022, the Brothers decided that we would keep the lights on during the summer. Instead of going dark during the summer months, Forest Lodge will continue to have stated meetings during the summer.
See you at Lodge!
Sincerely and Fraternally,
Rick Schnabel
Worshipful Master, Forest Lodge #130
The electronic Trestleboard is published monthly. Changes in dates and or times are reflected on our Calendar Page, which is updated as needed.
Forest Lodge No. 130, F & A.M.
August 10th – Stated Meeting – 7.00 PM.
August 17th – Special Meeting Master Mason Degree – 6.00 PM
August 24th – Stated Meeting – 7.00 PM.
August 27th – Outdoor Master Degree – 11.00 AM.
September 14th – Stated Meeting – 7.00 PM.
September 28th – Stated Meeting – Past Master’s Night – Dinner at Lodge at 6:15 PM PM.
Wausau York Rite
September 1st – Wausau Council #22 Meeting at 6:30 PM
September 1st – St Omer Commandery #19 meeting at 8:00 PM
Scottish Rite Club
Log Cabin Restaurant at 7:00 A.M. on the first, third, and fifth Wednesdays each month.