December 2013 Trestleboard

Wausau Trestleboard
December 2013

Download a .pdf Version of the TrestleBoard here.

As one year closes, another begins. Typically, at the close of the year, we take time to reflect on the past year’s accomplishments as well as things we could have done better. As the new year commences, we set goals, seek to improve where necessary, and we look forward to new beginnings.

Masonically, we begin our year on Wednesday, December 18th, as we welcome back Peter Rotter as Master. There will be dinner at 6pm, with a public ceremony at 7pm. Please invite your friends and family.

Thank you for your support during this past year, and please join me in congratulating the new Officers for 2014.


Note the electronic Trestleboard is published monthly. Changes in dates and or times are reflected on our Calendar Page, which is updated as needed.

Forest Lodge No. 130, F & A.M.
December 4th — 7:00 PM Stated Communication. EA Degree
November 18th — 6:00 PM Diner – 7:00 PM Installation of Officers – Friends, family and ladies welcome.

Mosinee Lodge No. 318, F & A.M.
December 5th — 7:00 PM Stated Meeting. EA Degree.
december 19th  — 6:00 PM Mason of the Year & Christmas Party.

Virginia Falls Lodge No. 226, F & A.M.
December 7th — Christmas Parade (Open House) Lodge will open at 4:00 P.M. Parade at 5:00
December 10th — 7:00 PM Stated Communication (Business)
December 25th  — Christmas (No Meeting)

Wisconsin Valley Shrine Club
Wisconsin Valley Shrine Club meets every Friday for a noon luncheon at the Wausau Elks Club.

Wausau York Rite
December 12th — 7:00 PM. Stated Commandery.
December 17th — 7:00 PM. Stated Meeting, Chapter and Council.

Scottish Rite Club
Meets for breakfast at 7:00 AM 1st, 3rd and 5th Wednesdays at Perkins.

Wisconsin Valley Shrine Auxiliary
On Friday, December 13, 2013 the Wisconsin Valley Shriners Auxiliary will meet for a noon luncheon and meeting at the Elks Club. The program for December will be presented by Jamie Lenzner, Dental Hygienist.


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