June 2023 Trestleboard

Wausau Trestleboard
June 2023

Download a .pdf Version of the TrestleBoard here.

My Brothers,
We are reaching the halfway marker of the Masonic and it certainly seems to be flying by as we move across the level of time! Summertime is nearly here, and I do not plan on having any stated communications during the months of July and August.

We do have Brothers that are continuing to advance through their degrees and postings. I would like to continue to help them on their path of progress. To facilitate that, we may have special communications to support them. You will receive due notice if any of those meetings are scheduled.

We are also transitioning our Secretary position. Brother Albie Kramer will be phasing out as Secretary due to a move he and his family will be making to South Carolina. Exciting times for all of them as they get ready to start a new chapter on their story! Brother Ryan Wojicechowski has been assisting Albie with his duties. Look for his role to grow as we move on through the year.

Forest Lodge has continued to make its presence felt outside of the walls of our Lodge building. We have provided assistance for degree work for Island City #330 and Marshfield #224 and paid Perseverance Lodge its first official visitation. We also made flower deliveries to our masonic widows. I’m really happy to see this program continue, as it’s something nice to do for them and the time that it takes to make the delivery is much small than the amount of happiness that can be brought to them. It’s low investment and high return in action. Let’s remember that as we go forward regarding those small acts of kindness with one another as well as with those outside of the Fraternity. Small acts while wearing a square and compasses could be just enough to get a good man interested in joining.

Hope to see you at Lodge!
Lars Framness
Worshipful Master – Forest Lodge #130

The electronic Trestleboard is published monthly. Changes in dates and or times are reflected on our Calendar Page, which is updated as needed.

Forest Lodge No. 130, F & A.M.
June 14th – Stated Meeting at 7PM
June 21st – 4:30 PM. Special Communication – Re-obligattion
June 21st – 6PM – Lodge Dinner
June 28th – Stated Meeting at 7PM – There will also be a presentation involving the Quilts of Valor Program.  That will take place at 6:45  The Quilts of Valor Program was highlighted during Annual Communication at Grand Lodge.  It will also be Vintage Night, and the dress code for Lodge will be relaxed.  If you have something in the back of the closet that captures an era of fashion feel free to wear it.

Wausau York Rite
June 1st  – Wausau Council #22 Meeting at 6:30 PM
June 1st  – St Omer Commandery #19 meeting at 8:00 PM

Scottish Rite Club
Log Cabin Restaurant at 7:00 A.M. on the first, third, and fifth Wednesdays each month.

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