March 2011 Trestleboard

Wausau Trestleboard
March 2011

Download a Word Version of the TrestleBoard here.


This article, I read online, seems to express the core of our fraternity. I hope it speaks to you, and stirs you to living wider as a Brother.

I am Freemasonry

I was born in antiquity, in the ancient days when men first dreamed of God. I have been tried through the ages, and found true. The Crossroads of the world bear the imprint of my feet, and the cathedrals of all nations mark the skill of my hands. I strive for beauty and symmetry.

In my heart are wisdom and strength and courage for those who ask. Upon my altar is the Book of Holy Writ, and my prayers are to the one Omnipotent God. My sons work and pray together, without rank or discord, in the public mart and in the inner chamber.

By signs and symbols I teach the lessons of life and death, and the relationship with man and God and of man with man. My arms are widespread to receive those of lawful age and good report who seek me of their own free will. I accept them and teach them to use my tools in the building of men, and thereby find direction in their own quest for perfection so much desired and so difficult to attain.

I lift up the fallen and shelter the sick. I hark to the orphan’s cry, the widow’s tears, the pain of the old and destitute.

I am not a church, nor party, nor school, yet my sons share a responsibility to God, to country, to neighbors and to themselves. They are free men, tenacious of their liberties and alert to lurking danger.

At the end I commit them as each one undertakes the journey beyond the vale into the glory of everlasting life. I ponder the sand within the glass and think how small is a single life in the eternal universe. Always have I taught immortality, and even as I raise men from darkness into light, I am a way of life. I am Freemasonry.

Copied from:

Jim Bitner, WM
Forest Lodge #130


Greetings from the West. I would like to congratulate our newly Entered Apprentices. Thanks to all the brethren and visitors who attended. I look forward to more degree work in the next few months. This March, I would like to leave you with this quote from Brother George Washington, “I hope I shall always possess firmness and virtue enough to maintain what I consider the most inevitable of all titles, the character of an “honest man.”

John Galindo

Note the electronic Trestleboard is published monthly. Changes in dates and or times are reflected on our Calendar Page, which is updated as needed.

Forest Lodge No. 130, F & A.M.
Mar 2nd –7:00 p.m. Stated Communication, Masonic Education by Bro. Jim Carlson
Mar 16th — 7:00 p.m. Special Communication
Mar 30th — 7:00 p.m. Entered Apprentice Communication. All Entered Apprentices, Fellow Craft & Master Masons

Mosinee Lodge No. 318, F & A.M.
Mar 3rd –7:00 PM Stated Meeting; Checker Tournament.
Mar 13th — Daylight Savings Begins
Mar 17th — 6:00 PM Pot Luck Dinner; Ladies at the Table

Wisconsin Valley Shrine Club
Meet every Friday 12:00 PM @ Wausau Elks

Wausau York Rite
Mar 10th 7:00 PM Stated Meeting. Election of Officers. Wear Uniforms — Stated Commandery
Mar 15th 7:00 PM Stated Meeting. Election of Officers  — Stated Chapter & Council

Scottish Rite Club
Meet at Annie’s American Café the 1st and 3rd Wednesday of the month for breakfast, 7:00 AM.

Wisconsin Valley Auxiliary
Wisconsin Valley Auxiliary will meet Friday, March 11, 2011 for a noon luncheon and meeting at the Elks Club. The program will be presented by Tony Omernik, United Way “RSVP” program—Retired Senior Volunteer Program.Mar 10th 7:00 PM Stated Meeting. Election of Officers. Wear Uniforms

Mar 10th 7:00 PM Stated Meeting. Election of Officers. Wear Uniforms
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