May 2023 Trestleboard

Wausau Trestleboard
May 2023

Download a .pdf Version of the TrestleBoard here.

Greetings from the East!

In preparing this message to you I stumbled across something that a Brother of ours said that summed up his view of masonry – We can only know the fullest joys of Masonry when we truly walk the paths of service and of hard work in the quarries. In my estimation we have done both over the past several weeks.

We walked the paths of service and have shown that Masonry extends beyond the walls of our Lodge. We have had the opportunity to donate two Fire Suppression Tools on April 12th. One to the Town of Wausau, and the other to the Town of Texas. Both Departments have sent us their gratitude. We have also donated our time for community improvement. We conducted our trash pickup on April 23rd. Many hands definitely made for light work. Thank you to all who participated.

There was also hard work done in the quarries this past month. Please join me in congratulating Mr. Zane Covell, who was initiated an Entered Apprentice in our Lodge on April 26th. I would also like to congratulate Brother Keith Mathews, who passed a suitable examination in open Lodge and will be passed to the Degree of Fellowcraft in the near future. Our Lodge is continuing to grow and we would love for all of you to take part in conferring degrees on our future candidates and advancing brethren. Remember those degree parts you pulled out of the hat earlier in the year? That is your opportunity to continue your Masonic growth and share the growth with new Masons. It has been rewarding for me, and I’m sure it will be for you as well.

We have more opportunities going forward to do the same things. Scholarship season is quickly approaching, there will be more degree work soon, and April showers traditionally bring May flowers. Let’s focus on accomplishing those things and spread our gaze upon other ways that we can live up to the tenants of our profession: Brother Love, Relief, and Truth.

See you at Lodge!
Sincerely and Fraternally,
Lars Framness
Worshipful Master, Forest Lodge #130

The electronic Trestleboard is published monthly. Changes in dates and or times are reflected on our Calendar Page, which is updated as needed.

Forest Lodge No. 130, F & A.M.
May 10th – Stated Meeting at 7PM
May 24th – Stated Meeting at 7PM
June 14th – Stated Meeting at 7PM
June 28th – Stated Meeting at 7PM

Wausau York Rite
May 4th  – Wausau Council #22 Meeting at 6:30 PM
May 4th – St Omer Commandery #19 meeting at 8:00 PM
June 1st  – Wausau Council #22 Meeting at 6:30 PM
June 1st  – St Omer Commandery #19 meeting at 8:00 PM

Scottish Rite Club
Log Cabin Restaurant at 7:00 A.M. on the first, third, and fifth Wednesdays each month.

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