December 2010 Trestleboard

Wausau Trestleboard
December 2010

Download a Word Version of the TrestleBoard here.

Hello and greetings from the East.

I hope all had a safe and happy Thanksgiving. As I write this, my final message as Master of Forest Lodge, I think back over the last year and the experiences that it wrought. I feel I’m richer for having been honored with this responsibility and will look back over the course of my life with much gratitude. I always would close out my “Master’s Message” with the phrase “let us endeavor to remember our obligation.” I’m indebted to the many Brethren who gave support and counsel and put aside many other things to attend to the business of Lodge. You truly made it a successful year. So I thank you my Brethren for having remembered your obligations so diligently and helping me to remember mine along the way. Have a safe and pleasant Holiday and Christmas Season whether at home or traveling.

Thank you again and for one last time Brethren, Let us always endeavor to remember our obligation.


Joe Barlow WM Forest Lodge #130

-New Year Prayer-

As Masons we are taught to start
On each new enterprise
With deep-felt prayer in every heart,
And heaven-lifted eyes.

Now, soon a New Year will begin,
And as it comes to birth,
May we pray it will usher in
An age of peace on earth.

May all men live in brotherhood,
And wars and conflicts cease.
May all find joy in doing good,
And serve the Prince of Peace.

May all men call all others friends,
And may we all agree
To do our best to seek these ends.
Amen! So mote it be!

By MWB Walter K Belt—‘The Poet by the Sea’
Printed in Oregon’s “The Freemason”-December 1969

Note the electronic Trestleboard is published monthly. Changes in dates and or times are reflected on our Calendar Page, which is updated as needed.

Forest Lodge No. 130, F & A.M.

Dec 1st5:30 PM. Stated Communication/MM Degree Brother Jake Seever.
Dec 8th — Installation of Officers/Dinner @ 6:00 p.m. Ceremony at 7:00 p.m. Cost $10/head; RSVP by 12-06-10.
Dec 15th — 7:00 PM — All Officers, elected and appointed, meet @ 7:00 p.m. for a one hour (max) meeting.

Mosinee Lodge No. 318, F & A.M.
Dec 2nd — 7:00 PM. Stated Meeting. Turn Back Time to 1810.
Dec 16th — 6:00 PM. Pot Luck Dinner. Mason of the Year and Christmas Party. Ladies, Families, and Friends Welcome.

Wisconsin Valley Shrine Club
Dec 3rd — Noon Luncheon. Business meeting
Dec 10th — Noon Luncheon. Speaker: James Botsford, Director Wisconsin Judicare, Inc. Indian Law Director
Dec 17th — Christmas party – Cost $25 per person, ladies and guests welcome.
Dec 24th — No  speaker.
Dec 31st — No speaker.

Wausau York Rite
Dec 9th – Christmas Observance. 5:30 PM Dinner at Annie’s American Café. Program at 7:00 PM at Wausau Masonic Cente

Scottish Rite Club
Meet at Annie’s American Café the 1st and 3rd Wednesday of the month for breakfast, 7:00 AM.

Wisconsin Valley Auxiliary
The Wisconsin Valley Auxiliary will meet Friday, December 10th, at the Elks Club for a luncheon at noon. The program will be presented by the Wausau Senior Citizen Chorus under the direction of Sandy Solheim. Members of the Auxiliary will participate  in the program.

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